Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Consequences of data loss

Data is often the most valuable resource any business has. The cost of creating data again from scratch can far outweigh the cost of any hardware or programs lost.
Loss of data from hacking can have various consequences, WHAT ARE THEY?


Giniya said...

Data can be stolen either by physical theft of hardware, or through unauthorised access to the system e.g. hacking.
The physical theft of data can occur when computer components are stolen. A thief can also physically take a computer, a server or backup discs. The virtual theft of data can occur in a similar way when criminals are able to hack into a system or network and steal a company’s sensitive information. An example of this would be the incident involving TK MAXX. The retail outlets servers were accessed by hackers who then stole approximately 45 million customer credit cards details.
The knock on effect of the incident apart from the money lost is the damage caused to the reputation of the company.
Apart from client information, hackers can also steal information on suppliers, costing and contract details; so apart from the criminal gangs stealing data there is also the possibility of corporate sabotage.

Laura said...

Data being lost through either personal error,unauthorised access and physical theft can cost a company a large amount of money as well as time. When data is lost through unauthorised access the information can be given to competitors or people who can use the information for personal gain. Sensitive company information can be used against the it, this could cause problems. The customers of a specific company could be affected because credit card details can be used to purchase things illegally.

Baden said...

In the majority of cases, data which certain businesses store is confidential to the data subjects. If hackers are able to get their hands onto this data, it will cause all sorts of problems ranging from privacy ethical issues, to legal issues with fraud.

Not only that, but on a simpler scale, having lost the data will cause tasks in the business to either not be done efficiently or not able to be done at all as many tasks would rely on using and viewing that data whatever it may be.

The hacking may also be a part of a criminal organisation so it is very important that business are able to secure their data effectively.

Unknown said...

Data can be lost due to many different reasons such as physical theft or unauthorized access to the computer. Data loss can happen to anyone. Text documents, financial records, contact records, address books, email messages and databases that you have created on your computer or servers may disappear forever unless you take a serious action to prevent it. The lost files are hard to recover, and it takes a lot of precious time to recover the lost files. The data can be very important for the company and if it gets into wrong hands can lead t a lot of problems for the company. So companies today use many anti- hacking softwares to prevent this from happening. The most reasonable thing to do, if you don’t want to spend a lot of money afterwards, is to re-ensure your system using secure online backups.

Rachael said...

Data can be lost in many either due to human error, theft or unauthorised access e.g hacking. When theft of data occurs this could mean that someone has left their laptop in the car and could then be stolen this means that the whole data on that leptop wioll then be lost and the peoson who stole it could have all the persons personal data on there. However if data is taken by unauthorised access this could possibly be used for the persons personal gain either by finding out extra information or to sell the information on and get money for it.

consqeuences for this loss of data could be if someone is in a middle of a task then they will not be able to complete this task. Also once the files are lost they are hard tio retrieve and if the laptop was stolen then they will be lost forever. Also if the data is stolen then this could give personal details out about you or other people to somebody who you dont want to know and could be a threat to you